Email: quintecanine@hotmail.com ~ Telephone: 613-242-5050
Certified DogTraining & Behaviour Modification
Serving Belleville, Quinte West & surrounding areas - 987 Old Highway 2 Belleville, ON. K8N 4Z2
Half way between Belleville & Trenton
Certified Dog Training & Behaviour Modification
Dogs are extremely fun, highly intelligent animals with the ability to bring joy to our lives. We use a positive method of training that focuses on your dogs needs, drives and your relationship. We combine incentive-based techniques, and verbal markers while providing simple structure and boundaries. Our commitment to a fun and enjoyable environment for everyone is one of our main priorities. We want you to feel safe, comfortable and confident as a handler and will teach based on your learning.
We strive to build strong relationships by using natural signals your dog can understand, not through harsh, aggressive, intimidating techniques as they are proven ineffective and are not needed in training to get results. We will help you to gain engagement, mutual respect and understanding by becoming a kind and confident leader. We strive for dogs that will not only do as asked, but want to do as asked because they enjoy working. Our focus is providing humane training that nurture a strong bond, mutual respect and compassion between dog and owner while achieving results. We adhere to a LIMA principle which states that, for any dog, any situation and any desired outcome, a trainer should use the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive intervention possible.
At Quinte Canine we also believe that dogs are a way to bring our community together regardless of differences. We can all come together to bond with our dogs, share a laugh and make new friendships of the two or four-legged kind!
Quinte Canine is proud supporter of many local and international animal not-for-profit and charity organization. We strive to ensure that our dogs have a voice and it is heard by all people. Quinte Canine dedicates itself to assisting organizations through service, products and monies whenever possible.
We provide a positive space where everyone is welcome and barriers are removed.
Quinte Canine is a proud EVERYONE friendly business.
All persons are welcome to confidentially self-identify to us so barriers may be accommodated and removed.