Email: quintecanine@hotmail.com ~ Telephone: 613-242-5050
Certified DogTraining & Behaviour Modification
Serving Belleville, Quinte West & surrounding areas - 987 Old Highway 2 Belleville, ON. K8N 4Z2
Half way between Belleville & Trenton

Foster Dog

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the above pictures sum up Charger perfectly. Always being a silly goofball and attempting to get pet from people (even if that person is a statue). Charger is a 4 year old Male German Shepherd.
Charger has a long heartbreaking story but his days are finally looking up! Charger came to us on May 14th, 2021 as a medical needs foster dog through the Humane Society of Hastings Prince Edward (formally Quinte Humane Society). Because we had so many physical and medical accommodations in place due our past dog, Wrangler, taking another German Shepherd Dog with medical needs was natural. The plan was to foster Charger for 8-10 weeks while he healed before getting him ready for adoption. After 11 months of foster care we are happy to report Charger has found his forever home! Please read on for his backstory below.
Since being with us, Charger has learned a great deal about living in a home and with humans, something that is complete new to his world. He has camped, RVed, socialized, made friends and learned all about life as a pet. For the first time in life, Charger has learned what toys are and what they are for. He doesn't care too much about anything other than stuffed toys. Oh the world is complete when Charger has a stuffy in his mouth or when he is laying upon his hoard of stuffies.
In April of 2021 it is reported that Charger escaped from a new home on Tuftsville Rd in Stirling after less than 24 hours. Charger was then spotted on highway 401 the same day, where he was hit by a car. Despite multiple attempts by community members and the Ontario Provincial Police, Charger was not found and presumed to have succumb to his injuries. 10 days later a community member spotted Charger again and was able to catch him and seek assistance. Due to his injuries and supports that would be needed, Charger's new home relinquished him into the care of Quinte Humane Society, where he would be assessed for injury repair and properly cared for.
When found, Charger was severely emaciated, weighing just 70lbs, with a broken rear right leg. Additional medical issues were discovered including a broken canine tooth, ear infection and hernia. Superficial wounds included ‘road rash’ and minor cuts.
On approximately May 10th, 2021 Charger underwent his first surgery to stabilize and repair his leg. The orthopedic veterinarian, Dr Paul Hardacre repaired Charger’s leg by placing a plate onto the bone and securing it with screws. Within a few days, it appeared that the leg was not stabilized and it was discovered that Charger would again need surgery.
On Friday May 14th, 2021 Charger was placed into his foster home and on Monday May 17th, 2021 Charger returned to the veterinarian for another orthopedic surgery. Within a few weeks (during which time he has been under going regular bandage changes and laser therapy) it became evident that the second surgery may not have worked. On Monday May 31st it was discovered during his veterinarian examination that Charger was fighting a very severe infection deep in the bone. Charger was then taken that night to Cavan Hill’s Veterinarian clinic for 24-hour IV antibiotics and monitoring. After 6 days of IV antibiotics, Charger was released to his foster family to continue his recovery and treatment. Throughout the month of June, Charger was kept on medication to fight the infection and did twice to three times per week visits to Dr Paul for bandage changes and laser therapy.
On Monday June 28th, 2021 Charger once again returned to his orthopedic veterinarian for surgery to plate the broken leg. Throughout July-October, Charger underwent extensive physical rehabilitation and treatments to ensure his leg would heal correctly without further complications.
On Wednesday October 13th, 2021 Charger’s orthopedic veterinarian again performed surgery to remove the plate from his leg due to the wound area beginning to seep. Upon viewing xrays and during surgery, the veterinarian reported that the healing of the bone was almost complete. A deep bone sample was taken and sent for histology and further testing. Within a few days of surgery the laboratory results returned and it was discovered that Charger had an antibiotic resistant strain of MRSP. Charger was placed on a 25 day course of special antibiotics. During the remainder of October and through November Charger’s incision continued to heal and he grew stronger.
On November 26th, 2021 Charger underwent a lengthy surgery, courtesy of Hastings Veterinary Hospital and Dr Giffen. This surgery began with an incision to open his abdomen to repair a large umbilical hernia. Once opened it was evident that the closure of the hernia would be difficult but it was closed and surgery proceeded to neuter which was completed without complication. After neutering Charger had 3 lumps removed. None of the noted lumps showed concern to the veterinarian and removal only was recommend (versus histology). Charger was then given a rabies vaccination, micro-chipped and taken to the dental operatory. Xrays showed that although there seemed to be no major damage to the root of Charger’s broken canine tooth, the root was beginning to break down and the decision to remove the broken tooth was made. Canine tooth 104 was removed.
Charger spent the remainder of the day at the clinic for observation and to allow him time to wake fully before returning to his foster home. 3 weeks after surgery Dr Giffen examined Charger at Quinte Canine, removed remaining sutures and cleared charger for normal eating and activity, just in time for his first Christmas with a family.
Charger is an extremely affectionate, goofy and happy dog. He loves nothing more than to cuddle with a human he is bonded to and will spend extended time snuggling. He very much enjoys scratches or just a repetitive petting. Be careful if you crouch down or get onto your knees, Charger loves to come up to humans, turn his head upside down and push rather hard into your lap for standing snuggles and this may end up with you on your rear. He is a comical, and very goofy dog who will make you laugh ever single day. He is living his first ‘puppyhood’ even though he is physically an adult in size. Charger spent his days with Yvonne at Quinte Canine, learning more and more about life and resting happily in his pen while she is teaching classes or seeing clients.
Charger will always have a special place is our hearts and although we miss him dearly, he is now living a busy social life with his new adoptive family, roaming 10 acres and ensuring his retired family gets their daily exercise.