Email: quintecanine@hotmail.com ~ Telephone: 613-242-5050
Certified DogTraining & Behaviour Modification
Serving Belleville, Quinte West & surrounding areas - 987 Old Highway 2 Belleville, ON. K8N 4Z2
Half way between Belleville & Trenton
Laurie Glencross, CPDT-KA, CTDI
Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed & Certified Trick Dog Instructor

Laurie has been involved in training dogs for over 30 years in various capacities – as a trainer of her own dogs in various sports (agility, rally obedience, obedience, scent detection, tricks) earning master champion and champion titles, as a teacher and coordinator of basic and advanced pet dog and sport dog classes at her local dog training club, as a shelter volunteer and board member of sport and shelter organizations, and as trial secretary for several dog sport venues in the US.
Laurie is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) with the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT). CPDT-KA indicates that a dog trainer has passed a comprehensive knowledge based exam, documented and logged hundreds of hours of dog training experience, upholds the highest ethical standards, is required to continue education through re-certification every three years and is committed to current behavioral science and its application to dog training and behaviour. The CCPDT examinations are the only valid and reliable, accredited (NCCA) psychometrically sound examinations for dog trainers recognized internationally.
As well, she has earned the Fenzi Dog Sport Trainer - Sport Foundation certificate from the Fenzi Dog Sports Academy, a virtual dog training organization based in the US. She is a member of Susan Garrett's online "Recallers" program.
Laurie & Labrador Ben receiving their Rally AE
Laurie has worked and trained in-person and online with many coaches, trainers, teachers and mentors throughout the years. Some of the best-known of these include Denise Fenzi, founder of Fenzi Dog Sport Academy (FDSA), and Susan Garrett, of Say Yes Dog Training in Alberton Ontario. She currently trains with Yvonne Ferguson and Shelly Lyck of Quinte Canine and Jennifer Laird of Absolute Agility in Harrowsmith, Ontario.
These trainers have inspired Laurie to follow their leads and become a certified dog trainer. Encouraged by Yvonne, she enrolled in Canine Foundations’ Dog Training Academy, graduating in June 2021 top of her class. This wonderful program led directly to the opportunity to teach at Quinte Canine.
Highlights & Qualifications
Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed from the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers
Valedictorian of the 2021 Canine Foundations Dog Training Academy through Georgian College
Certified Trick Dog Instructor - Do More With Your Dog
Fenzi Dog Sport Training - Sports Foundation certificate
Alumni member of Susan Garrett's Recallers program
Canine Attendant Training via Canine Foundations Continuing Education Program
Competitive titles held in;
CARO, WRL and AKC Rally Obedience titles (including AKC RAE, CARO RE)
SDDA, AKC and NACSW Scent Detection titles including Master Champion Scent Detection Titles)
11th Place at the first SDDA Nationals (over 80 teams from across Canada competed) in Campbellville Ontario in October 2019 with Ben
Recipient of the 2019 SDDA Nationals Brenda Brown award for highest scoring working breed
AKC, AAC and CPE Agility titles (including a AKC Master Agility Champion (MACH) and CPE Agility Trial Extraordinary)
AKC and CDSP Obedience titles
Trick Dog including Champion trick dog
Proud member of;
The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers - Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed (CCPDT - CPDT-KA)
The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC)
The Sporting Detection Dogs Association (SDDA) - Registered Participant
Canadian Association of Rally Obedience (CARO)
The American Kennel Club (AKC)
Agility Association of Canada (AAC)
A native of Montreal, Laurie worked for many years as a performing musician and music teacher in Toronto and York Region. She then completed a Doctor of Music degree from Florida State University and taught music at a small, American mid-western university for 20 years before retiring back to Canada. Now in retirement, Laurie can concentrate even more time enjoying all things dogs! As a very active participant in many dog sports, Laurie enjoys traveling to trials with her own dogs. She currently shares her home with her 10 year old Labrador, Ben and her 3.5 year old Labrador, Trilly. This year Laurie will also be taking on the monumental task of raising a service dog puppy until the time it will go into a match and training program with a handler.
Laurie is very excited to be a part of the Quinte Canine ‘team’ and looks forward to passing along her extensive experience training dogs to members of our community and region.