Email: quintecanine@hotmail.com ~ Telephone: 613-242-5050
Certified DogTraining & Behaviour Modification
Serving Belleville, Quinte West & surrounding areas - 987 Old Highway 2 Belleville, ON. K8N 4Z2
Half way between Belleville & Trenton
Meshu, ITD
Intermediate Trick Dog

Meshu is a 8 year old rescued Pomeranian. She is a small dog with BIG personality. Initially shy and reserved she quickly warms up to new friends. Meshu's favorite activities include cuddling, hoop jumps, bar jumps, tricks and providing comic relief! She enjoys entertaining crowds of people with her fun and cute personality as well as her many tricks! For the third year in a row she has been named Barks by the Bay Canine Festival's Queen of Barks for her beauty, personality and skills!
She received her first title, Novice Trick Dog (NTD) in December of 2014 where she was happy to show off her spunk by performing over 19 tricks for a public crowd. In May of 2015, Meshu once again showed us her skills by earning her Intermediate Trick Dog Title (ITD).
Over the past years we have noticed Meshu has been struggling to hear. She is about 95-99% deaf now but that certainly does not stop her! She is still as spunky as ever and still loves to train via visual signals.