Email: quintecanine@hotmail.com ~ Telephone: 613-242-5050
Certified DogTraining & Behaviour Modification
Serving Belleville, Quinte West & surrounding areas - 987 Old Highway 2 Belleville, ON. K8N 4Z2
Half way between Belleville & Trenton
Show Handling
We now offer conformation (aka show) handling classes/mat time. These classes, designed for both experienced and new handlers help get you ready for the ring! Classes are 6 sessions and are 1 hour each. $125+HST
Show Handling/Mat Time (experienced)
Monday February 24 at 4:00pm (Feb 24, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31)
To register please complete the attached registration form found here and sent to quintecanine@hotmail.com along with your Rabies and DHP vaccine. If your dog is already registered with us please just email us at quintecanine@hotmail.com
Learn more about upcoming classes and join the conversation on our Facebook Show Handling group. Click 'Join' at https://www.facebook.com/groups/3624279027835847/
All dogs must be up to date on core vaccinations (DHP and rabies) in order to enter our facility. Quinte Canine will accept titre test results accompanied by a veterinarian letter in lieu of vaccination certificates.
Call or email to register, space is very limited and classes fill quickly!

For the experienced handler we offer 'mat time' classes to get those paws moving and get your dog or puppy well versed in the ring.
For Beginners - Learning about dog shows can be daunting for new handlers. Our Beginners class is designed to teach you about the ins and outs of the ring and prepare you for your first laps as a professional dog handler. Everyone was in 'those shoes' at some time but being prepared to enter the ring with the help and guidance of a professional instructor will make your debut more comfortable! Although it might seem easy enough, show handling requires learning; for both dog and handler. Learn what is expected of you in the ring, how to 'stack' (pose) your dog, present the teeth and much more!
About Linda Wyatt-deGroot
Linda began her show career in the mid-late 90's. Like most, initially far too nervous and inexperienced to show, Linda hired handlers for a few years. Watched them and learned. And was encouraged by so many fantastic Ontario dog show people and fellow breeders to get in the ring herself.
Linda was encouraged to consider the fact that by showing the dog herself, she had to know the breed standard, know correct movement and structure. By having to present her dog in a manner that showed these virtues to the judge, she learned so much. And that’s what it’s all about. It really takes the edge off in terms of being nervous, when you know what you’re supposed to be doing for the breed you’re showing.
Now, easily 25 years later, she can’t begin to count the number of dogs she has put a championship title on, both wither her own breeding and for friends. She has earned championship points at both all breed and specialty shows and have taken Best in Specialty wins and top placements with a number of her Labs over the years at Canadian shows. Showing in the USA is usually at a higher level of competition and with far more dogs as well as pro handlers. Linda always loves any placements she obtains stateside as they really make us work for them.
Linda encourages everyone to relax, have fun, and to always love your dog as much coming out of the ring as you did going in, regardless of any ribbons or lack thereof. That and knowing the standard for your breed and how to present the dog’s merits to the judge, will always, always keep you proud, and honest. While you won’t always win, you’ll win enough to make your dog as proud of you as you are of them. And you’ll lose enough to remain humble and to hopefully be able to recognize the merits of your competitor’s dogs and to practice good sportsmanship.
Call or email Quinte Canine today to register for an upcoming class.