Email: quintecanine@hotmail.com ~ Telephone: 613-242-5050
Certified DogTraining & Behaviour Modification
Serving Belleville, Quinte West & surrounding areas - 987 Old Highway 2 Belleville, ON. K8N 4Z2
Half way between Belleville & Trenton

Thank you for a day filled with loads of info, great encouragement, organization, and a wonderful lunch. I'm sure we all can agree that you have the most commitment that we've ever had in helping us all learn about handling our dogs as well as learning about the wonders of Scenting our dogs. Each one of us is different and that in itself was a challenge for you, and you really managed us all so beautifully. We all felt that we could express our concerns and discover good answers to our difficulties. Many thanks for your caring and much appreciated effort.
Every now and then, (yet not often enough), a really good teacher comes along, who instinctively knows how to give students the knowledge they need, and to encourage them to move forward-and that is certainly you. Many thanks for the lessons we look forward to and learn from, along with a good dose of fun and laughter to make this journey with our dogs a rewarding and successful venture. Our little group of Starters today did well because of your nurturing attitude and attention to details. It's pretty clear that it is all about your love of dogs-simple as that. Victor will be sleeping with his ribbons tonight, with happy dreams, I'm sure. He is now a Scenting dog.
~ Nancy and Jim Moore & Victor, SD-A-SP
(Scent Detection Student)
I just wanted to say Thank-you for your classes. Summer is changing and I think she is going to be a great dog. She is very smart and Dale and I work with her every day. Not very often do I see someone who enjoys their job. You are the exception to the rule. Your passion for dog training is evident and your knowledge that goes with it is fantastic.
We have had a lot of dogs which we love but your training is over the top. You never are mean spirited and make the classes very enjoyable. We have had a few people ask us why did you want to get a puppy at your age? Well I looked them in the eye and said because we wanted one. My love for dogs has been my whole life and often times I find them nicer than people. Thanks Yvonne and continued success, because people like you make a difference.
~ Dale, Liz & Summer
(Basic Obedience Class Participant)

Hi Yvonne, it's Tuesday evening and Sophie is missing her puppy class!!!!!! We all wanted to say Thank You Very Much for the last 6 weeks! Sophie and I had a wonderful time, and we both learned so much!
I have attended many obedience classes, but never a puppy one, and with Sophie being our first pup in like 30 years, we were overwhelmed, but with all your help and knowledge, we are surviving and really enjoying her and I know puppy class has really helped! We are practicing everything we have learned every day!
Thank you again! We hope to see you for basic obedience classes!!!! Many thanks, take care!
~ Sophie and Gabrielle
(Puppy & Basic Obedience Class Participant)
The classes are not over sized, with lots of opportunity to learn with your Dog under the guidance of a trainer.
Yvonne is very knowledgeable about dog behaviors and has excellent training skills. The classes are packed with learning and fun.
Yvonne goes over and above to help with problem issues you may be experiencing. You will be surprised at the end of your classes at how much you and your Dog have learned together!
~ Betty, Brad & Gypsy, ITD
(Basic & Intermediate Obedience and Trick Dog Class Participants)

Excerpt from Yvonne Ferguson's Certified Trick Dog Instructor Evaluation of Performance and Testing:
Yvonne, you're awesome! I love your energy, your confidence and your communication skills. Great timing and technique, Nice precision work with Wrangler. Welcome to the team!
~ Kyra Sundance
Kyra Sunace is a world-acclaimed Stunt Dog Show performer, celebrity dog trainer, and internationally bestselling author.To learn more about Kyra Sundance, click here.

I haven't had a dog for over 20 years and I needed direction as my cats are pretty easy! I did a lot research and read so much I confused myself and was so paranoid of having that bad behaving dog that aggravated everyone one instead of make people smile. Along with a yappy, nippy crazy small dog. I wanted the next best neighbourhood dog.
I needed help to know what and how to do what was best for us. I found the socialization, direction, support and the help with basic problems was great for us. We learned all the basic commands & couple of tricks, but for us it was mostly about getting to know each other. I enjoyed it and will continue to do classes at Quinte Canine, to keep us both learning and growing together. Yvonne has been critical in me becoming a good puppy mom!! Thanks Yvonne :)
~ Colleen & Rhody, SD-MACH, ETD, CGN, SPOT
(Puppy, Trick Dog and Scent Detection Class Participants)